Come as you are!

If church is a new experience or a regular habit for you, we encourage you to come as you are.  Some dress up a bit, others don't.  Some have things relatively together, others worry that things are falling apart.  The fact is, we ALL need God's help; that's why we come.  So if you are open to a God who persistently loves you and people who genuinely care, expect to find both here. 

Join us Sunday Mornings:
Traditional Service 8:30 AM
Bible Hour @ 9:30 AM
Family Service @ 10:45 AM (Live Streamed)


2103 Roxbury Road

Janesville, WI 53545

Click here for DIRECTIONS

Our coverd drive is in the front of the church for easy drop off. However, our main parking lot is in the rear of the church.

MUSIC: We sing some songs of praise and worship.  Join in or just listen along.

COMMUNION: We celebrate the Lord's Supper every Sunday. All believers in Jesus are welcome to participate by coming to one of the tables to receive the emblems.  

MESSAGE: We engage God’s Word in a practical way through a lesson.  The message is usually about ½ hour.

PRAYER:  We offer a time of prayer both within the service and at its close encouraging a personal encounter with God.

OFFERING: Guests should feel no obligation to participate in the offering. Roxbury members and attenders use the offering box on the information table in the lobby or give on-line.

Absolutely!  We have age specific classes every Sunday during the Bible hour @ 9:30 and the Family Worship Service @ 10:45 for newborn babies through 12th grade.

Our youth group meets on Wednesdays from 6-8 PM for 6th - 12th grade.

And, Septermber thru mid-May, our Awana club for kids 3 years old through 5th grade meets on Thursdays from 6 - 7:30 PM.

Click here for more information.

Here at Roxbury, we take Communion every week.

Click HERE to find out more.

We are a part of a fellowship known as: "Christain Churches/Churches of Christ." Historically we grew out of what's been called the "Restoration Movement"... originally devoted to reaching the lost through mission and uniting the church based on "essentials." 

Visit our ABOUT US pages to learn more.

Have more questions?  Contact us for more information.