Candidate for Lead Pastor


(Family - Jimmy, Jenny, James, Micah, Aiden, Reagan "Ray")

Your Elder Team is pleased to announce that the members confirmed the elders recommendation to appoint Jimmy Coyle as the next Lead Pastor to succeed Jon.  With a 99% yes vote,  we feel blessed by God to have discovered Jimmy Coyle! As you know, we have been on a search for both a Lead and Student Pastor. We had no responses for a Student Pastor and that search will continue.  Within this time, we have interacted with nearly a dozen prospects, and we specifically spent a series of months with two who eventually went in a different direction.  But God was working, and we believe that He has led us to Jimmy.

Jimmy comes to us with multiple years of experience as a Student Pastor and the last ten years as the Lead Pastor of a small but growing church in Ashland Illinois (near Springfield).  His resume and an in-depth “Summary of Interaction” are available below.  We will also make hard copies available at the LIFE@HOME center in the church lobby.

We thank you for your prayers and patience in this long search process. Ultimately, all thanks and praise go to our Lord Jesus Christ, the head of his Church!

Don Hochmuth, chairman, and your Elders